What are success criteria?

16 January, 2023

Success criteria are a set of criteria we can use to measure whether students have met a specific Learning Intention (LI).

They are often written in child-speak language in the form of ‘I can’ statements and cover the key skills, knowledge and understandings students need to demonstrate to achieve the LI.

For example:

Learning Intention: We are learning to summarise a text

Possible success criteria: 

  • I can identify the main idea of a text

  • I can pick out the most important details from a text

  • I can rephrase the text in my own words

  • I can accurately convey the main idea and key details of a text in a summary

See further examples of success criteria for Reading, Writing and Maths here.

How do we use success criteria?

Used effectively, success criteria are referred to at all stages of a lesson; the beginning, middle and end.

They may be prepared in advance by the teacher then shared with students or co-constructed with the students during the lesson. In this case, materials such as finished products or exemplars may be provided as an example of what success looks like and the teacher along with the students construct a set of criteria based on this.

To read more about the benefits of using success criteria, read this blog Why use Success Criteria


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